Thursday, March 01, 2012

God's Call

If you know me personally, you know how passionate I am about most things I'm involved in. Around August, I start getting really excited about college football (GO TEXAS TECH!) In March I start getting my brackets (yes, I do about 6-8 each year) ready for March Madness. When we play games on family night I have to remind myself that it's okay to lose (at least to my son...) When I take food to events I try to make the most inventive, fun looking tasty item there (sorry Some probably call this competitiveness, but I call it passion. Probably because it sounds more positive! Ha!

In a recent sermon I listened to the speaker said that everyone is given a personality and role on this earth because God wanted them to use it in a very specific way to further His Kingdom. I've started to realize that God paired my passion with a deep love for His orphans since I was 10 years old. When Kelly and I got married he always laughed at how passionate I was. One day, when I got tired of his laughing, asked him what was so funny. His response "You don't let anyone stop you." I laughed too, but then realized I don't take no for an answer most times. Don't worry, this led to praying for humility and the ability to say no!

However, I started to realize that God would use this passion for His glory if I let Him. If I died to my goals, my ambitions, my desires; He would start to mold my heart into His goals, His ambitions, His desires while keeping that passion in tact to take on the World! 

Caring for orphans is something the word passionate doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about it! I feel like it is my call to serve, preach, and be His hands and His feet until the day I die for the ones He calls precious!

In the Bible God gives the following promises to orphans and widows:

Defend them; Rescue them; Deliver them; Not to leave them; Come to them; Hear them; Lift them up; Be their Father; Make them a home; Lead them out; Not forget them; Extend mercy towards them; Execute true justice for them; Give them food and clothing; Be their helper; Incline His ear to them; God promises to not forget orphans & widows; Maintain their cause

We are supposed to be His hands and His feet!

Can you answer yes to the following?

For in You the orphan finds mercy.
Hosea 14:3

If you need a little help, watch the following video. I feel like Eric Ludy feels the same passion I do about orphans and love his life story. You can read more about it here. The following video Eric made about our depraved indifference toward orphans. It's powerful, passionate and moving!

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